Monday, April 15, 2013

Now What?

     There is no shortage of bad news in our world, no lack of evil, no scarcity of suffering.  It would be all too easy to live our lives in miserable anticipation of whatever wretched event will befall us next; or in bitter hatred of whoever or whatever we hold responsible for our last tragedy.  Every day it's another bomb, another shooting, another genocide.  In this age of the internet we are not only subjected to the problems in our personal lives and immediate communities, we become witnesses to the sufferings and injustices of the entire world and we can literally watch in real time while they happen.  We can tune in daily to hear our televisions proclaim the bad news: Rape, murder, war, oppression, poverty, disease, disaster, greed, slavery...Our newspapers ooze treachery, they reek of evil and despair.   We live in a world where evil is common and in a time known as the age of information, it should be no surprise to us that we get bombarded with negative information every day.

     The question is; how do we handle it?  What do we do with all of this information?

     With so much bad news it is easy for one who cares about freedom and peace to become overwhelmed and disillusioned.  These frustrations then turn to rage, hate, and prejudice: The very same emotions that most likely brought about whatever it was that made us feel that way in the first place.  It's a vicious cycle that has fueled violence throughout the course of human history.  It is a cycle that must be recognized and ended on an individual level.

     In the next few days my Facebook news feed will be flooded with calls for war and conspiracy theories.  Opinions will be formed.  Alliances will be made.  The war drums will beat.  Angry mobs armed with keyboards will shout at each other across cyber space, oblivious to the irreverent manner in which they are trampling the still warm bodies they argue over.  Those bodies will be "the remembered", "the mourned", and "the celebrated' to some, but to most they will become "the point".  Conclusions will be jumped to and lines will be crossed.  Premature presumptions will be clung to and emotions will outweigh reason.  

     Some will blame the U.S. government, which isn't too far fetched, but they will draw biased conclusions haphazardly and promote them as fact.  Some will blame foreign terrorists and demand war with little to no facts, willing to sentence millions to their graves on a whim.  Politicians and special interest groups will pull at America's heart strings with phony empathy and eloquent speech.  You will be told that it is necessary to sacrifice just a little more of your personal liberty so something like this will never happen again.  They will be convincing and many will enthusiastically follow, yet somehow the followers will only end up with more bloodshed and less freedom.

    So what did we do with this news?  How did we process this information we so regrettably received today?  Aside from those directly affected by today's incident, how will hearing this news affect our lives and interactions with other people?  This is how it goes in the scenario I just described (which I promise will happen):

Something horrible happens----news is received----anger/sadness sets in----evidence/ points of view/ lies are introduced----opinions are formed----animosities are kindled by disagreements----government gets involved----Something horrible happens...

     It is amazing to live in a time where practically any information fathomable is literally at our finger tips.  It's wonderful to be able to know what happened across the country, or across the globe just a few minutes ago .  But what's the use in such incredible progress in our ability to receive and share information if we don't do anything worthwhile with that information?  In the scenario above there is no insight gleaned and there is no positive reaction to the news.  In reacting to terrible news in this standard fashion we only make our situation worse by causing more strife and contention, more hate and fear.  

     Over the next few months there will be bitter debates over what happened in Boston.  Folks will argue over who was responsible and why.  We already know we can't trust the government so many will question their version of the truth before it even comes out.  Maybe this was a foreign terrorist.  Maybe it was a false flag attack carried out or ordered by the government.  Hey, it could even be some angry kid who got his hands on a copy of The Anarchist Cookbook.  The truth is that we may never know the truth.  I don't expect the truth from any government, terrorist organization, or media outlet and since I wasn't at the Boston Marathon today and it's too early to tell if there will be substantial evidence to back up any theory from any of those sources I won't claim to know the who's and why's.

     But what do we know for certain about today's attack?  We know that it was a cowardly act of aggression against unsuspecting civilians.

     No matter who did it or why, when the average person sees the kind disregard for human life seen today they recognize that it is evil (unless it is disregard for human life by their government in which case the television tells them not to notice).  I am convinced that most people who do evil things are not the pure evil bad guy types you see in the movies.  Of course, the psychopaths are out there but they are far from the majority.  People who do evil things are usually misdirected and consumed with some type of emotion, desire, or sense of duty.  Thus hate, fear, and greed are what we find to be responsible for these despicable acts.  This is truth.  This is certain.  We can attack these three enemies vigorously, knowing that there is no ulterior motive, only peace.

     We can take a stand against aggression wherever we see it and we can counteract the violence of the world by treating people with love and respect.  We can raise our children to seek peace, and to be kind in their interactions with others.  We can help to educate each other on things like U.S. foreign policy, history,  blowback, etc. and we can respectfully discuss solutions to our problems.  All of these would be positive reactions to negative information, but when I log into Facebook tomorrow I'll be ready for the far different reality of irrational and heated arguments riddled with fallacies and hate.  It is my sincere hope that I am wrong.

     I will pray for those affected by today's events, and I will continue to pray for those suffering from the effects of hate, fear, and greed around the world every day, that they may come to know God and discover the good news that will edify them despite any affliction they may encounter and bless them more than abundantly.

Spread Love.  Seek truth.   


Thursday, November 22, 2012

To The Liberty Movement

Dear Friends of Freedom,

Now that the election is over and everyone else has flipped their televisions from CNN and FOX news back to reality TV and SportsCenter, I would like to take a moment to speak to the rest of you who are still in the fight for liberty.  Our movement has seen tremendous growth over the past few years and is steadily growing every day.  There is an increasing number of people who are opening their eyes to discover the evils of our oppressive overlords and in turn are taking a stand for the principles of liberty.  Do not let yourselves be dismayed by the looming threat of economic collapse or Big Brother's constant power grabs, because every time the enemies of freedom attack the people our resistance is reinforced by newly awakened and angry Americans joining our cause.  This truth is becoming more evident as we see things like voters choosing Libertarian candidates more than ever before, nullification in action, and the recent nationwide demand for secession. 

Ladies and gentlemen, we live in a time of turbulence and tyranny; of that there is no doubt.  Violence, materialism, greed, and deception have oozed their way into every crack and crevice of this country and have become integral parts of American society; ironically, if we attempt to deny this fact we are only accepting it, thus perpetuating the problem.  When I say the problem I am not denying that we have a multitude of problems on our hands; I am only doing what I believe everyone should do and simplifying it, because believe it or not folks, peace and freedom are not very complicated.  So what is the problem?  Some would call it evil.  Some would call it immorality.  Regardless of the word you use to describe it, or what you believe it's origin is, we all need to recognize that it is a strong force in this world, and more importantly, that it is a force that lurks in the heart of every human.

Remember that Ghandi quote that Ghandi never actually said about being the change you want to see in the world?  That's what we need to do.  We need to apply the non-aggression principle and do everything in our power to be at peace with ourselves and with our fellow man by expelling our own immoral thoughts and negativity.  Simply 'being the change we want to see' isn't going to change the forces we are up against but it will make you an example that others will respect and want to emulate.  If we want to win people over to the cause of liberty we need to go past just saying we won't use force against other people; we need to make a commitment to treat people with kindness in our every day interactions.

I see rude, disrespectful, ignorant, and sometimes downright hateful comments from people within the Liberty Movement on the Internet far to often.  I understand that people are angry at the government and frustrated with the masses who seem to mindlessly do as they are told; but lashing out in an unkind way does nothing but hurt us.  We must remember that our neighbor is not our enemy just because they have an Obama campaign sign in their yard.  There are plenty of great people who make bad decisions simply because they are uneducated. 

We have all been force fed propaganda our entire lives.  From our televisions to our text books we have been lied to and manipulated since we could comprehend the English language.  It is not always an easy thing to let go of long held beliefs and it is almost never instant.  We should be more understanding to people who are processing new information like that because most of us have been there.  Most of us have at one time or another been fooled into believing some government fairy tale.  Before I started paying attention I supported Bush and the wars; and I even signed up to go fight the "War on Terror".  I used to believe that taxation was legitimate and that Teddy Roosevelt and Honest Abe were great presidents.  I won't go on about the nonsense I used to believe but my point is we can all get fooled.

When I started to educate myself it really tore me up inside to see the truth.  I had so believed the government lies that I was willing to die for them and then when it was too late to turn back I discovered the truth.  The transition can be stressful and emotionally taxing for many people and we should be there to guide them in their journey with kindness and intelligence not to turn them away with insults and ignorant language.  Even if you are engaging in a debate with someone who is being rude to you there is no reason to be rude back.  Why is there no reason to be rude back to people?  It is because your argument is always better.  There is no need to insult someone in an ignorant manner when you can completely destroy their argument while maintaining a professional and scholarly attitude. 

You will always have a better argument in libertarian philosophy but it is absolutely vital that you educate yourself.  Learn libertarian philosophy and Austrian Economics in and out so you have the ability to fully expound the ideas to others, but also learn the opposition's arguments so you can properly defend liberty.  Take advantage of the great resources we have through the Internet like and or just the plethora of articles and information that can be searched or the thousands of educational documentaries and videos on YouTube.  This is an intellectual revolution and it can't be won unless we educate and improve ourselves and encourage others to do the same. 

Take some time and pick up a book; don't spend all your time on YouTube watching Alex Jones. Seek after more intellectually stimulating sources like Ron Paul, Murray Rothbard, Ludwig Von Mises, Tom Woods, Thomas Paine, Henry David Thoreau,  Lew Rockwell, Tom DiLorenzo, Bob Murphy, Lysander Spooner, Frederic Bastiat, Thomas Jefferson, Friedrich Hayek, Judge Andrew Napolitano, etc.  Read the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the Constitution, and the Magna Carta.  When you're done with that read Karl Marx, Adolf Hitler, John Maynard Keynes, Alexander Hamilton, etc.  Study history and economics with passion because in an intellectual revolution they are key to victory.  I'm not saying don't ever watch Alex Jones or others like him.  He has done very good and influential work; but he has also put out a lot of garbage and what he offers isn't exactly intellectual stimulation. 

It is time for us to break the chains of government bondage and take a stand for freedom.  It is time for us to make a commitment to educate ourselves and others and to uphold the truth with absolute integrity.  It is time for us to interact with our fellow man peacefully, with kindness and respect.  We the people must make an active effort to spread the message of liberty and to resist government tyranny through civil disobedience and self reliance if we really want our sovereignty. 

I pray for peace and blessings to you all as you journey through life and as we labour together for the cause of liberty. 

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Dirty Trick

"None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsley believe they are free"
- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

I have spent my whole life believing that this nation is a free society; that it is the land of the free and the home of the brave.  Much to my dismay, I have recently come to a far different conclusion.  Looking at the facts objectivley and using simple deductive reasoning it became quite obvious that we are infact the opposite of free.  We are slaves to a cunning and deceitful master. 

We are undoubtedly more free than many nations, but we are not truly free.  Being more free than most, coupled with the empty phrases we constantly hear about our country being free, gives us the illusion that we are infact free.  So, what is freedom?  How can one be "more free"?  Is it even possible to have varying levels of freedom?  These are the questions that have been coursing through my mind, rearanging my previous conception of American indepenence.  They are the questions that any liberty minded individual must ask to maintain the maximum amount of "freedom" possible. 

The Question: What is freedom?

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines freedom as: The absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice of action/ liberation from slavery or restraint from the power of another. 

The Logic

Premise one: Freedom is the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint.

Premise two: The U.S. government constrains it's citizens by way of coercion, making it
necessary to live under it's mandates or risk the consequences of it's punishment.

Conclusion: Therefore, U.S. citizens are not free.

Unless we are to change the definition of freedom, there is no way that we can say we live in a free society.  Simply changing the definiton of the word to escape the scary idea that we are not free would be quite silly wouldn't it?  Yet I'm sure that is what most Americans would do when confronted with this sad truth.  They will justify, they will rationalize, they will decieve themselves, and they will go on perpetuating the lie. 

As I stated previously, we are more "free" than many other nations, and for this I am thankful.  Yet the question arises; how can one be "more free"?  It seems to me that freedom is one of those things that is either there or it is not.  There is no way we can stay true to the definition of the word and maintain that we are free.  Freedom is the absence of necessity, coercion, and constraint; therefore if any of these apply, even just a little bit, it stands to reason that the word freedom does not apply. 

Properly and precisley propegated propaganda promotes permutation in previously presumed postulation.  In other words, good lies can change one's mind on self evident truths, such as the definition of a word.  The words freedom and liberty have successfully maintained their positive connotations while discarding their true definitions.  Americans get a warm fuzzy feeling when they talk about living in a free country because freedom is a universally good word.  The word has kept it's emotion, but it has lost it's definition.  To say that one is free with a concious knowledge of the word's definition while admitting that one is subject to the control of a coercive government is what Orwell would call doublethink.  To purpossfully alter the word's definiton to describe our condition, or to rationalize the lack of freedom in any way would be cognitive dissonance.

What we really need is cognitive dissidents.  We need an intellectual revolution.  We need more people willing to educate themselves, provide for themselves, and stand up for their rights.  That is why it's so important to hold the words we use to their proper definitions and realize that describing the U.S.A. as a free country is a lie.  If we go on perpetuating the propaganda then we are working for the enemies of liberty.  It's time to arm yourself with a dictionary and logic and defend what is yours. 


Tuesday, January 31, 2012

On Fidelity

The Latin words semper fidelis are inscribed permanently across my back to remind me that faithfulness, loyalty, and fidelity are the backbone of my character.  To forsake these attributes is to forsake everything I hold dear in life.  The words semper fidelis (always faithful) are also the motto of the United States Marine Corps, an organization I was once proud to be a part of.  I got my tattoo when I was very new to the Corps, it was intended to have both the meaning I mentioned previously and to illustrate the big part of my life that was the Marine Corps.

Semper Fidelis became the motto of the U.S. Marine Corps in 1883; it is an important part of Marine tradition and culture.  To many of us it is more than a motto, it is a way of life.  It means that we will always be loyal to each other, that we will protect and honor fellow Marines on and off the battlefield.  There are some of us who still believe in the ideals of brotherhood.  Always faithful, words that every person should live by.

Yet so few do...

During my time as a Marine I saw those sacred words disgraced constantly; turns out the brotherhood isn't so faithful, definitely not always. Marines debase the words with their actions by turning on their brothers or cheating on their wives; I have never witnessed so much infidelity as when I lived on a military base.  Not only are the words disgraced by actions they have become a joke to many, who use them sarcastically.  I saw the words lose their meaning as they are changed into cheesy slogans on signs around bases such as "semper fit" or "semper safe", it disgusted me.

Another disgusting trend I saw was the word "infidel" displayed with pride on bumper stickers, clothing, even tattoos.  The word that literally means "lacking faithfulness" is being proudly brandished by Marines while their motto "always faithful" is being disgraced!  The idea is absolutely revolting to me!  Honor, courage, and commitment cannot be forgotten: Always faithful cannot die.  We must adhere to these ideals in our daily lives, not only in the military but in all walks of life.

The importance of the abasement of these principles is that it signifies a culture apathetic to morality and trust.  The trend of using the word infidel as a symbol suggests a trend of ignorance of the culture of the land in which they fight or an apathetic 'I don't care who I kill' attitude.  I have experienced both of these and both are common within the military.  It is a very careless thing to fight in a place you know little about, for reasons you do not clearly understand; and the apathetic attitude will more than likely come back to haunt you. 

Dishonoring these ideals isn't only a problem within the military it is problem in our society as a whole.  Americans become increasingly materialistic, greedy, and dishonest and the importance of values is minimized continually.  In letting this go on we are allowing the fires that will destroy our country to be fueled.  It's time to take a deep look inside and find out what is truly important.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Journey of the Decieved

  I will never forget the day I became a Marine; my Drill Instructor placed the Eagle, Globe, and Anchor in my hand and told me he was proud of me, that I would be a great Marine.  If you were never a part of the Corps you may not understand the importance of this moment.  It is a very emotional ceremony, and is the one time in boot camp when it is acceptable to cry; and many new Marines do as they realize that what they have worked so hard for has become a reality.  I didn't cry; for me the moment was surreal.  I looked my Drill Instructor in his eyes and shook his hand and then I gazed at my fellow Marines and the mountains that surrounded us and wondered at the journeys life takes us on. 

The day was momentous for me because I had wanted to earn that title since I was twelve years old.  I had sat glued to the television eight years before that day, watching as nearly three thousand Americans were maliciously murdered in cold blood.  I told myself that one day I would defend my country from the people responsible for that horrific attack.  I decided I would join the toughest branch of the military and become a warrior for the land that I love.  My twelve year old mind hoped that there would still be some bad guys to kill when I got there.

In the following years I became infatuated with Marine Corps culture.  I studied it's history, customs, and tactics.  I practiced drill movements and recited diddies,dates, and facts; hoping that one day all of this would make me the best of the best.  I earned the title and my hard work paid off, I was good at what I did; and I loved the Marine Corps.

And then one day I opened my eyes...

And my world came crashing down. 

I was in Afghanistan and I was full of questions.  I didn't know who the "bad guys" were, I knew I was supposed to kill them but I didn't know who they were.  I knew Al Qaeda was responsible for the attacks that brought me here but we were fighting the Taliban.  I was ashamed to realize that I had no knowledge of Al Qaeda or the Taliban other than they were my enemy and they were bad.  I further recognized that I didn't have any knowledge of the country I was in besides the war and what I saw daily.  I was truly ashamed that I was in Afghanistan without this knowledge, so I began to research.

The first thing I discovered was that Al Qaeda was started and funded by the American Central Intelligence Agency; Osama Bin Laden, my enemy, was a CIA asset.  After seeing this shocking truth I couldn't stop; I took the red pill that day and began looking for answers.

The rabbit hole goes deep.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Dear America

Dear America,
I am thankful for the the beautiful golden fields dancing in the wind of the Great Plains.
I am thankful for the thick forest that has given me a sense of both peace and adventure concurrently throughout my life.
I am thankful for the calming sound of waves crashing on a Carolina beach, and for the unforgettable sight of the sun slowly sinking into the Atlantic.
I am thankful for the vast American Desert, with it's alluring rock formations that called out to me as I dreamed of climbing them as a child.
I am thankful for the majestic mountains of Colorado, and the hills of California.
I am thankful for the memories made in a cool Oklahoma creek on a hot summer day.
I am thankful for your wide open Montana landscapes; and for your city streets, full of culture and history.
For the immigrants who built this country with nothing but a prayer and a dream, and for the natives who kept their honor through all affliction.
I am thankful for the founding fathers and for all the work they did to make this country what it is today.
I am thankful for the Constitution.
I am thankful for the freedom I cherish so much.
For the blood, the sweat, the tears, that it took to make this nation great.
For the farmer who toils from sun-up to sun-down, putting his heart and soul into the land he works.
For the construction worker, steel worker, ranch hand, and every other working man who does the same.
I am thankful for the warriors, who risk life and limb, and worst of all the threat of being a pawn, to defend the land they love.
I am thankful for the teacher in the classroom and the knowledge that she contributes.
I am thankful for Ron Paul.
For the hope that there are more leaders like him who march forward without sinking into the pits of corruption.
I am thankful for the idea that families take care of each other;
And that communities do too.
I am thankful for the alternative media.
I am thankful for John Steinbeck;
And even for Ernest Hemingway.
I am thankful for Walt Whitman and Langston Hughes.
For American Literature in it's entirety, I am thankful.
I am thankful for the early settlers of this country from whom this holiday came, their wrongs do not go unrecognized, but without them it wouldn't be what it is today.
I am thankful for the ability to learn from our mistakes.
I am thankful for the wonderful history you have, full of adventure, culture, and wisdom.
I am thankful that I have the right and ability to present these thoughts to the public.
And I am thankful that I have the right to thank God for all of these things.
I am thankful for you America.

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Americans

Dear Americans, Today was the day that most Americans are reminded to count their blessings and be thankful for all that God has given them.  One day is not enough.  Every day should be a day of thanksgiving and gratefulness.  If everyone made it a point to express gratitude instead of disappointment, if people chose to focus on the positives of God's goodness instead of the negatives of this world, we would find ourselves in a much better life.  Sadly this world is a corrupt and evil place and it is all to easy to become disheartened.  As I write this letter powerful men are meticulously planning and carrying out sinister plots to destroy the sovereignty of our great nation and to abolish individual liberty, destroying life as we know it.  This is a thought that could easily lead to dismay if we allowed it.
  The economy is horrible, our monetary system is on the verge of collapse and good jobs are hard to come by.  Gas prices are high, taxes are high, the cost of food is high, but cancer patients better not be high or the Federal Government will raid their home.  The little man is being pushed out of business all over the nation due to ridiculous regulations, meanwhile the big banks get government bailouts and then turn around and loan us our own money.  Our loved ones are being blown to pieces by roadside bombs in wars with no end in sight and only an abstract, propaganda twisted reason why.   We could very simply become so afflicted with the troubles of the world that we forget that we have anything to be thankful for altogether.
But we won't....

We must not!  We must not let them win, we must not become dismayed.  The fight is still ours my countrymen and we will not be bullied! 

There is still much to be thankful for, this is still a great nation.  Our liberties, though they may be squandered and pillaged at a vicious and quickening pace, are still strong.  I thank God that I still live in a land where I can write a letter such as this, and you can read it, with little concern for persecution.  I thank God that there are still Americans who have the fortitude to stand up for their rights, who will do whatever it takes to fight against opression.   I thank God there are still Americans who will stand up together boldly and shout with a loud and unwaivering voice "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"