Dear Americans, Today was the day that most Americans are reminded to count their blessings and be thankful for all that God has given them. One day is not enough. Every day should be a day of thanksgiving and gratefulness. If everyone made it a point to express gratitude instead of disappointment, if people chose to focus on the positives of God's goodness instead of the negatives of this world, we would find ourselves in a much better life. Sadly this world is a corrupt and evil place and it is all to easy to become disheartened. As I write this letter powerful men are meticulously planning and carrying out sinister plots to destroy the sovereignty of our great nation and to abolish individual liberty, destroying life as we know it. This is a thought that could easily lead to dismay if we allowed it.
The economy is horrible, our monetary system is on the verge of collapse and good jobs are hard to come by. Gas prices are high, taxes are high, the cost of food is high, but cancer patients better not be high or the Federal Government will raid their home. The little man is being pushed out of business all over the nation due to ridiculous regulations, meanwhile the big banks get government bailouts and then turn around and loan us our own money. Our loved ones are being blown to pieces by roadside bombs in wars with no end in sight and only an abstract, propaganda twisted reason why. We could very simply become so afflicted with the troubles of the world that we forget that we have anything to be thankful for altogether.
But we won't....
We must not! We must not let them win, we must not become dismayed. The fight is still ours my countrymen and we will not be bullied!
There is still much to be thankful for, this is still a great nation. Our liberties, though they may be squandered and pillaged at a vicious and quickening pace, are still strong. I thank God that I still live in a land where I can write a letter such as this, and you can read it, with little concern for persecution. I thank God that there are still Americans who have the fortitude to stand up for their rights, who will do whatever it takes to fight against opression. I thank God there are still Americans who will stand up together boldly and shout with a loud and unwaivering voice "GIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"
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